How much does embroidery at The Embroidery Station North Hollywood cost?

It varies!
Let’s say you have a special jacket you want custom embroidered, we ask the following: the .jpg file of the art/design, the location on the jacket you want embroidered, the size of the design. Pricing is determined by the complexity of the design (we have to digitaize all art before embroidering which is a one-time set up fee), the size, locations if there are multiple, timeline and if there are more than one jacket.

Can I order a small number of items at The Embroidery Station North Hollywood?

If you only have one piece of clothing or garment you want embrdoiered, we’d be happy to take it in. You just pay the digitzing one time setup fee, the cost of embroidery, timeline. If we need to order the clothing for you, consider that an additional cost.

What if I have an idea but no garment/clothing to embroidery, can I purchase the clothing from you?

We have many brands of clothing to order directly from us through our brand partners. Whether it be golf shirts, jackets, hats, you name it, we most likely have it. If not, we can arrange special orders. Keep in mind, this will add additional lead time to your project.

How does The Embroidery Station North Hollywood handle special projects?

It varies!
Give us a call and we’ll be happy to work with you on special projects.

Where is The Embroidery Station North Hollywood located, and do they offer local delivery?

We are located at 13427 Saticoy Street, North Hollywood, CA 91605 Minnutes away from all LA major freways.

Can I start a custom merch shop with The Embroidery Station North Hollywood fulfilling my orders?

We are currently building out this service to accomodate our customers who have personal brands and trust us to embrdoier, warehouse, and fulfill all custom embroidered merch: hats, jackets, sweaters, etc.. Give us a call and we can give you more information: 818-781-5646

Tell me about The Embroidery Station North Hollywood’s embroidery process – is it easy to understand?

The standard order process involves:
1. Choose either to bring in your own clothing items or order through us.
2. Submit a clear art/design in .jpeg format.
3. We assess the art’s complexity, considering factors like colors, precision, and realistic sizing for clarity. We charge you a one-time digitizing fee.
4. Make an upfront payment of 30-50% to initiate the embroidery process.
5. Review the proof of the initial run that we send to you.
6 Upon approval, proceed with the entire order. Pick up your completed items and make the final payment.

What warehousing and fulfillment solutions does The Embroidery Station North Hollywood provide?

Call us for more details!



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